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Change of perspective for more joie de vivre, simplicity and carelessness
Mindshift for more joie de vivre, simplicity and carelessness. From a reactive to a creative mindset through life hacks and applied creativity. Food for thought for a more conscious everyday life shaped by personal responsibility and presence.
We do not see the world as it is, but through the lens of who we are. Most things clouding, spoiling, or messing up our everyday life only exist in our heads. Yet, they have firmly set anchor there and block our view of what makes life easy and worth living. Until Leander Greitemann blows away the fog. With impulses for thought and stories. With practical tips and humor. With philosophy and psychology. And without excuses!
We cannot change others- nor can we change some situations even if we try time and again. However, we can change ourselves. Through a book which makes us aware of what we actually already know: Making is like wanting- only more extreme!
It is with apparent ease that Leander Greitemann leads you to the switchboard of power: in your head. To those places where you decide on a daily or hourly basis whether worries blur your vision or whether you switch to the mode which makes fortune possible- and almost guaranteed: the Bluebird mode.
Based in science, spiced up with personal experience and life hacks, Leander Greitemann offers you twenty changes of perspective: For an everyday life where personal responsibility and self-reflection pave the way towards joie de vivre and simplicity. For contentment in partnership and career. For applied creativity. For simple sense, and carelessness.
How did this book come to be?
Leander Greitemann was a speaker at a conference at which Bertram was participating. He, meaning Greitemann, cast a spell on his audience. Bertram talked about this and wrote a letter to him. To thank him for his inspiration he enclosed a book together with the most recent catalogue. In this catalogue, Leander Greitemann detected “Die Kunst ein Kreatives Leben zu führen“ (The Art of Living a Creative Life”) by Frank Berzbach.
Sometimes, the world is a small place. Leander Greitemann lives and works in Mainz. And he owned a copy of this book, the design of which had made him fall in love years before and had made him think “if one day I’ll write a book, it shall feel as good and be just as beautiful!” without knowing that it came from a publishing house in Mainz.
We met for dinner and we talked. About applied creativity, about models of thinking and change of perspective. We did not talk about a book at first. And then we did, too.
Leander Greitemann bubbles with ideas, he understands to set others alight with his enthusiasm and he marries creativity and discipline. This is how a manuscript consistently emerged from an idea. At some point in the middle of the project there was a day when fog was blocking my view, I was in a bad mood and difficult. And I had a task regarding this book. And then I was able to see how this book unfolds its effect. It is impossible to read Greitemann and be in a bad mood. The fog grew thin and it was impossible for me to remain grumpy. I am telling you this because this was the moment I understood: This is not just going to be an excellent book, this is going to become a little miracle drug.
Katrin Schake joined the team. She asked good questions, listened attentively and added appropriate form to the text. Good design achieves that a good text is not just read, but happily read, devoured. We wish you great joy for that. And the extra time during which you used to be annoyed or give wafts of mist the power over your thoughts, you may now use to do something better. With pleasure, we recommend a good book every now and again 😉
Features and design
Unfog Your Mind
Change of perspective for more joie de vivre, simplicity and carelessness
3rd edition
design Katrin Schacke
216 pages with 20 introductory graphics
printed in a climate neutral manner in two special colors on high quality recycling paper
size: 13.5 x 20 cm
embossed and minted flexcover with added bookmark
Distinguished by the Art Directors Club for Germany (ADC)
InhaltsverzeichnisIntro | |
Perspektiefe. An Realitätsverlust leiden kann ein guter Anfang sein | |
Auf dem Mount Everest ist Stau. Das Ziel liegt im Weg | |
WIR ist das neue MIR | |
Ich denke | |
Die Nä!-Maschine | |
JA zum Nein sagen | |
TaktVollKontakt | |
Routiniert Routinen rotieren | |
Fang etwas mit dir an | |
Der Mandala-Effekt. Wir denken und handeln musterhaft | |
Like | |
Man ey | |
Mindfog und Bluebird. Über dem Nebel ist blauer Himmel | |
52/17 ist das neue 24/7 | |
Morgen leb’ ich im Jetzt | |
Die toten Winkel des Ego | |
Wenn das Glas halb leer sehen schon die halbe Miete ist | |
Facepalm. Hinter der Stirn liegt der innere Schweinehund begraben | |
Konflikte flicken: Flick dich selbst! | |
Selbstoptimierung selbst optimieren |