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The surprise among Schmidt-books elevates your word range and awakens your talent for storytelling

Good stories provoke images in one’s mind. An image says more than a thousand words. 192 images are enough for all the stories of this world. If one does not get stuck with the literal. If one forms analogies, thinks outside the box and makes full use of one’s range of words. And if one does not waste any time on brooding.

Then, Icon Poet reveals itself to be a playful just as well as effective text-training. For concrete tasks in the creative everyday-life onto which you intend to find another handle. For cheerful evenings of stories with friends and family. As relaxed introduction to the power of good texts in the context of school and further education (everybody is able to tell stories). For all who want to write inspired and thrilling texts as well as tell good stories.

Icon Poet Sessions

Because competition promotes top performances, text-creatives increasingly battle oneself in real icon poet session on front of an audience. The volume of the applause becomes the measuring scale of the success of what is told. Indeed, rather renowned authors have begun to partake in these sessions because they have discovered the power of the Icon Poet dice to promote creativity.

Awaken the Icon Poet within yourself! Sure, Scheherazade has survived without Icon Poet, but it was a close call. You on the other hand may unleash your word range out of the joy of narration.

Features and design

Icon Poet
All the World’s Stories in One Book
A great cast by Andreas, Lukas, and Ueli Frei
design: Jenna Gesse
4th edition
308 pages, 36 dice and let’s go
size 22.2 x 30 cm
half-linen hardcover covered with imitation silk, embossed
It was intentional that we did not simply pack the dice into the box together with instructions but, instead, produced a book with more than 300 pages, with punched-out empty pages. Because Icon Poet is not just a pastime game. It is an immensely effective text training for anyone who takes the fight to the empty page.


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